Kindergarten Books > The Same but Different

The Same but Different

text: Karl Newson | illustrations: Kate Hindley | translation: Anwar

What am I good at and what are you good at? What do we like to do together, and what’s more fun to do apart? A colorful and enticing book about the beauty and abundance of diversity; about how we are similar and the differences among us.

Family Activities

This is not the case for the young child who is taking his first steps in the social space around him. Instead, in the process of building his personal identity, s/he is busy comparing himself/herself to their siblings and their kindergarten friends. This book draws the child’s attention to the ...


Dear Parents,

As human beings, we all have something in common: similar qualities, behaviors, and tastes, but, at the same time, we are also different from each other. Some of us live with this difference peacefully and see it as something special, and others find it difficult. But, as adults, we try to understand it and deal with it.


Ideas for Family Activities

Family Activities

  • We turn the pages of the book together. Which character resembles us today, and how? We may find that the character we identify with changes every time we read the book.
  • How are we similar and different from the rest of our family? On a large canvas, we can glue a picture of each family member. We draw or remove pictures from magazines and newspapers of things or activities that we share, such as food we all enjoy, or a place we like to visit, and stick them on the canvas. In addition, we draw or search for pictures that express the difference between us, such as: preference for quiet or noise, sleeping early or staying up late, etc.
  • We can play the game of opposites: we say an adjective aloud, such as: fast, cold, etc. and our child should say the opposite of the word. We can discover that a word may have more than one opposite!
  • We can stand with our child in front of the mirror and explore our similar features. Do we have the same eye-color? Or maybe the same eyebrow shape? We take turns creating and mimicking funny facial expressions. Which expressions made us laugh the most?
  • We can play the game "Imitate Me": we sit in a circle, and the first player has to make a certain move. The second player imitates them if he likes the move, and if he doesn’t like it, he makes a new move, and so on. What moves do all the players like?
  • Enjoy reading!

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