Patience is bitter, but its results are sweet: how long does it take for an apple to ripen? Can growth be accelerated? A book that addresses a relevant topic for all generations, especially young children: the ability to wait patiently.
Patience is bitter, but its results are sweet: how long does it take for an apple to ripen? Can growth be accelerated? A book that addresses a relevant topic for all generations, especially young children: the ability to wait patiently.
Dear Parents, Little children lack patience. It is hard for them to wait and they want things “at once”! Their ability to postpone gratification is related to their developmental age. We, as adults, can be an example for them, which will help them learn the importance of ...
Read MoreDear Parents,
Little children lack patience. It is hard for them to wait and they want things “at once”! Their ability to postpone gratification is related to their developmental age. We, as adults, can be an example for them, which will help them learn the importance of patience to get what they want.
We share with you some thoughts for activities with your children regarding the book.
3 cups of flour
1 cup of yogurt
2 eggs
200 gr of margarine without salt
1.5 cups of sugar
5 grated apples
The procedure:
Make a whole in the middle of the flour and place one beaten egg. Add sugar, yogurt, and melted margarine. Mix them all together until it becomes doughy and leave it in the fridge for half an hour.
Divide the dough in half. Flatten one-half into a disk, add the grated apple with cinnamon. Then flatten the other half on the top. Brush the surface of the dough with a beaten egg and bake it. Enjoy!