Music fills the world. People everywhere listen, dance, sing and make music with what they have. The story celebrates music and its power to bring joy to the hearts of people.
Music fills the world. People everywhere listen, dance, sing and make music with what they have. The story celebrates music and its power to bring joy to the hearts of people.
Music surrounds us from the moment we are born, and accompanies us wherever we go. It is present in the voices of people, the sounds of nature, and of the moving world around us. We are affected by music and we express our different feelings using it as well.
Read MoreDear Parents,
Singing is a first language between a child and their family. We sing lullabies for our children and play with them using songs that are accompanied by movement. This makes them laugh and become happy. At an older age, children enjoy collective singing that enhances their sense of participation and communication, and gives them great pleasure. The child who is raised in a family and social environment that values music and encourages singing, develops their abilities to listen, and to invent various forms of musical and lyrical expressions of their thoughts and feelings.
“The Most Beautiful Songs” is a book that celebrates the music in our lives and invites us to create it.
الموسيقى جزء لا يتجزأ من حياتناـ وهي موجودة حولنا كما الهواء. تبدأ بأصوات الطبيعة والأصوات الصّادرة عن الأجهزة التي نستخدمها، وتنتهي بالموسيقى الصادرة عن أدوات العزف. يحبّ الأطفال الموسيقى ويستمتعون بالغناء الفردي والجماعي.