Kindergarten Books > The Best Present

The Best Present

by Janet Bingham, illustrations by Rosalind Beardshaw (English original)

On his way for a visit, Little Bear decides to find his Grandma the best present he can. As he walks, he picks up a flower, a feather and even a snowflake. But, one by one, Little Bear loses all of his gifts along the way. Little does he know that, for Grandma, he is the best present of all.

Family Activities

What present shall we give people we love? Along with little bear, we wonder about what present to give his grandma, and wander with him as he goes to different places and different seasons to find just the right present. Through his journey, we have discovered that the precious presents are those ...


What present shall we give people we love? Along with little bear, we wonder about what present to give his grandma, and wander with him as he goes to different places and different seasons to find just the right present. Through his journey, we have discovered that the precious presents are those that we love the most and are most excited about, and that the journey itself is a present for us, a way to communicate with people that we love, and who support and encourage us to keep looking for the present when we give up.

What are the most wonderful presents then? It is not the most expensive or the biggest one - grandma tells us- but the present that is given by love, even if it has no monetary value at all.

We share with you some thoughts for reading the book with your children.

Family Activities

  • We can read the title and talk to our children about what they consider their most precious present: What characterizes it? Also, we can have a conversation with our children regarding the good and the positive feelings which we feel, which people in general and children in specific feel, when we get a present.
  • Little bear found several presents. We can follow his presents, and ask our children, what happened to these presents? What other presents could he have found during his trip?
  • We can think of someone that our child loves, who has a birthday, and try to think together how can we chose a present for her/him.
  • Little bear tells us that the precious presents are not the expensive ones, but those that we really love and admire. It is important to encourage our children to make their presents for people they hold dear. We only need to bring them simple materials, and spend nice time with them making their presents.
  • In general, a present symbolize love. What diverse ways - other than presents - we can express our love to people?
  • Not only does little bear grandma's get a present, but little bear himself and his father get a most wonderful present as well: such as, having a wonderful time together playing, talking, and discovering the beauty of nature in different seasons. What do you think about experiencing a similar trip with your children?

المربّية العزيزة،

سواء كنّا كبارًا أو صغارًا، فنحن عادةً نحب الهدايا! نحبّ أن نُهدَى وأن نهدي. وفي هذا العصر الذي يتمتّع به قسم لا باس به من الأطفال بوفرةٍ مادّية تجعلهم يعتادون الحصول على ألعابٍ وأغراض جديدة باستمرار، يفقد هذا النّوع من الهدايا معناه. ربّما كان ذلك جيّدًا من أجل إعادة الاعتبار للهديّة في عيون الأطفال، والتي تُهدى من القلب مجبولة بالحب، مهما كانت قيمتها المادّية.

في القصّة أيضًا مثالٌ لوساطة جميلة بين البالغ والطّفل. فالأب يشجّع الطّفل على التفكير بهدية لجدّته حين يلفت نظره إلى حبة البندق. ونراه يواسي الطّفل، ويشجّعه، وينفعل معه، ويفسّر له.

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