Kindergarten Books > Not a Box

Not a Box

The child plays with a cardboard box and imagines that it is a ship, a train and other things, while the adult cannot see it “outside the box.” This is a book about children’s vast imagination and their illusory play, and how it develops their thinking and creative abilities.

Family Activities

The world of children is a world of play and imagination, in which children find magic in simple objects, seeing in them what adults cannot see.


Dear Parents,

With his sensitive imagination, Rabbit makes us imagine a simple box with a different object every time. Rabbit plays, creates, imagines, and transports us to his imaginary world, where the box sometimes becomes a car, sometimes a mountain, and sometimes a space vehicle.

The world of children is a world of play and imagination, in which children find magic in simple objects, seeing in them what adults cannot see. This book invites us to develop children’s imagination, to expand their perceptions and horizons, and to encourage them to think “outside the box,” by suggesting various uses for the same simple object that is available to everyone. Play and imagination help develop the child’s learning skills, support their emotional development, enrich them with ideas, and contribute to the development of their ability to find creative solutions to problems. In addition, they can offer an outlet for our child.

Family Activities

  • Let’s talk
  • about reality and fiction: We can browse the book with our child and think about the drawings. We can then ask our child to guess: Which object did the box turn into each time? We can ask our child if they think Rabbit really believed that the box is a spacecraft, a robot or a mountain.
  • about the color of drawings and about voices: The book contains two voices; The voice of the adult clinging to reality, and the voice of the creative child. The two voices are featured through the different colors of the drawings. We can trace the book’s drawings, paying attention to their colors, and try to distinguish between those that Rabbit imagines and creates, and those that speak to him, and we can ask the child why they think the painter chose to color these pages.
  • about childhood toys: We can share our memories of the toys we made and the things we turned into toys with our children, and we can ask them about the toys they like and enjoy.
  • Let’s play
  • Let’s imagine and guess! We can sit in a group, and in turn, each one has to “act out” an object (cup; cat; lion; hammer), and the others have to guess what the object is, and so on (you can also time the game).
  • The magic of imagination: We can prepare various objects (a hat, a cooker, a scarf...) and find many uses for each of them, or we can imagine them as other objects, like Rabbit did.
  • Let’s create
  • Imagination Box: with our children, we can get a box and simple materials, and we can build a spacecraft, a robot, or any idea that comes to our mind, from the pages of the book or from our imagination.
  • The “this is not” book: We can write a new book with our child that draws from the idea of this book, such as: “This is not a line” or “This is not a cloud.” Let’s think and create!
  • Enjoy your reading!

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