Kindergarten Books > Monkey Puzzle

Monkey Puzzle

by Julia Donaldson, illustrations by Axel Scheffler (English original)

A little monkey can’t find his mom, so a butterfly tries her best to help. Repeatedly the monkey shares a new detail about his mom, but butterfly keeps leading him to the wrong animal — because the little ones do not look like their mother! The text invites the child to unfold the puzzle using rhymes and colorful descriptions.

Family Activities

Little Monkey is lost and Butterfly is trying to help him find his mother. He describes his mother to her, but each time she misunderstands and leads him to a different animal. Gradually we learn about the mother and other forest animals and their environments. In the end, with Butterfly’s help ...


Little Monkey is lost and Butterfly is trying to help him find his mother. He describes his mother to her, but each time she misunderstands and leads him to a different animal. Gradually we learn about the mother and other forest animals and their environments. In the end, with Butterfly’s help and his thorough description, he gets back to his mother. In the process he has learned something new: Little ones can be very different from their parents, but that does not spoil the love between them!


Dear Parents,

Here are some suggested book-related activities you might enjoy with your child:

Family Activities

  • How would you describe Little Monkey’s mum so that Butterfly could find her easily? How would you describe your mum?
  • Look among toys at home for stuffed animals mentioned in the book. Your child can draw the animals or cut their pictures from old magazines. Tell the story using the animals. Encourage your child to think of other descriptions of the animals. To what animals will they lead the puzzled butterfly?
  • Enjoy a game of “Guess What.” Collect a number of small objects around the house and hide them in a closed card box with an opening that allows your child to get in a hand. Ask your child the guess what the object is while describing it. Encourage him/her to think of an object and to describe it to you.
  • Discuss with your child what to do if he/she gets lost.
  • Butterfly has a hard time finding Little Monkey’s mother because her own little ones do not look like her. What other creatures don’t look like their parents?

المربية العزيزة،

يوفّر نصّ الكتاب مناسبة للعمل مع الأطفال الصّغار حول  تطوير قدرتهم على التّخمين باكتساب مهارات الوصف الدّقيق وطرح الأسئلة. نلاحظ في وصف الحيوانات أمرين مهمّين: الأوّل هو التّطرّق في الوصف إلى الصّفات الحسّيّة ( الحجم، واللون، والملمس...) والصّفات الحياتيّة ( تأكل الفواكه والخضار، تحبّ الانطلاق..) من المهمّ أن ينكشف الأطفال على الطرق المختلفة لوصف غرض أو كائن ما. الأمر الثّاني هو المسار المنهجي في رسم صورة الأم، بحيث يتتبّع الطفل القارئ/السّامع الصّفات المتراكمة للأم، ويبني تدريجيًا صورة ذهنيّة عنها.

إنّ اكتساب الطّفل لهذه المهارة التّفكيريّة، وتدرّبه عليها في السياقات الحياتية اليومية في البيت والرّوضة، يساعده في بناء منهجيّة تفكير وبحث دقيق عن المعلومة.

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