Kindergarten Books > I Want to Dance

I Want to Dance

Written by Safa Ameer, illustrated by Ensaf Haj Yaseen, Publisher: by Jbeineh

“I want to dance/ I want to fly/ to spread my wings like a bird…” a rhymed text that celebrates dance as an innate and humanistic expression of child’s joy.

Family Activities

“I want to dance” says the child, expressing happiness in the spontaneous, humane and natural way of both modern and ancient cultures.   Dancing is a common cultural expression in the Arab culture, whether in a group or individual setting, among children and adults. Children dance at ...



“I want to dance” says the child, expressing happiness in the spontaneous, humane and natural way of both modern and ancient cultures.


Dancing is a common cultural expression in the Arab culture, whether in a group or individual setting, among children and adults. Children dance at their birthday parties, and adults dance on happy occasions; they enjoy and express their feelings, communicate with each other, and develop skills in coordinating body movement and rhymes.


As the known poet, Elia Abu Madi says, “Be beautiful to see the world beautiful”, and this book adds “Be happy to see the world dancing!”.


Dear Parents,


We share with you some ideas for activities regarding the book:


Family Activities

  • When reading the book for the first time, you might want to illustrate with your body the activity verbs mentioned in the book, i.e. bending, spinning, etc. It will help the child to understand the verbs.
  • The author uses verbs to talk about dancing (bend down, spin around…), and draws parallels between the children’s body and the movements, or nature that surrounds the child (the tree, silk curtain and the butterfly…). We can encourage children to look around at what surrounds them and to add more things that can look like our body in motion.
  • We might want to dance with our children to songs they like in front of the mirror, and explore new moves we can do with our body! What verbs describe these moves?
  • When do we dance? With whom do we like to dance with? This is an opportunity to have a conversation with our child, regarding the feelings that make us dance and the social occasions that we dance at.
  • The last illustration in the book shows a boy sitting on a dancing wheelchair, an interesting choice by the illustrator. We can talk about the different ways of dancing that people around us do according to their abilities (such as the old grandfather who uses his stick to dance).
  • What about having a dancing event and invite older and younger siblings? Everyone can show their talents, dancing Dabke, belly dancing or any other dancing type.

الرّقص تعبيرٌ فطريّ عن الفرح، وهو موجود في جميع ثقافات الشّعوب، القديمة والحديثة. الرّقص أيضًا وسيلةٌ للتّنفيس عن المشاعر والضّغوطات النّفسيّة الّتي يشعر بها الكبير والصّغير على السّواء، فهو، بهذا المعنى، طقسٌ علاجيّ ذاتيّ، يقوم به الإنسان للتّخفيف عن نفسه.

والرّقص شكلٌ من أشكال التّواصل الاجتماعيّ، يشبه الحوار بين اثنين أو أكثر، فيتطلّب من الرّاقص أن "يصغي" للرّاقصين الآخرين، وأن يردّ عليهم بحركات جسمه. بهذا المعنى، يساعد الرّقص الطّفل على إدراك حضور الآخرين في حيّزه المكاني، وعلى التّعامل معهم.

يحبّ الأطفال أن يرقصوا، وهم يتمايلون عند سماعهم الموسيقى، ويعبّرون عن فرحهم بالقفز أو الدّوران أو تحريك الذّراعين. لعلّك تلاحظين أنّ بعض أطفال روضتك لا "يرقصون" على النّحو السّائد في عالمنا- نحن الكبار؛ إذ إنّ الرّقص يتطلّب مهارات متطوّرة في التّناسق الحركي-السّمعي، تؤدي إلى التّناغم بين الإيقاعات الموسيقيّة وحركة الجسم، وهذه مهارات ما زالت طور النّضوج لدى أطفال الرّوضة.

كتاب "أريد أن أرقص" هو كتابٌ يحتفي بالفرح وبتعابيره المختلفة من غناء، ورقص، وغيرها. وهو في ذلك يُكمل كتاب مؤلّفته السّابق- أحلى الأغاني- والّذي وزّع على أطفال الرّوضة في عامّي 2016-2017.

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