Kindergarten Books > How Much I Laugh!

How Much I Laugh!

Text: Loubna Safadi Abbasi / Illustrations: Haifa Abd al-Hussein

“How much I laugh when my mother pushes me on the swing, and I fly high in the sky…” This book presents different experiences a child has with his friends and family that makes him laugh.

Family Activities

We all like to laugh, whether we are adults or children! Laughing relieves stress, gives us positive energy and improves our relationships with others. A one-year-old baby laughs when we tickle him, when he hears familiar noises or at funny facial expressions.


Dear Parents,

We all like to laugh, whether we are adults or children! Laughing relieves stress, gives us positive energy and improves our relationships with others. A one-year-old baby laughs when we tickle him, when he hears familiar noises or at funny facial expressions.

When children are age 4 or 5, we, parents, are the main source for our child’s happiness. The games we play with him/her, the family time we spend make our child happy and joyful. Children, in general, laugh a lot at this age when something “breaks a rule” – changes the order of things; we see them enjoy to switch letters in a word, or trying to create sentences with rhymes with no meanings, or when we use something familiar in an unfamiliar way  (like using a pot as a hat). This may express itself also in children’s play, say by drawing eyes on a house, or drawing a car without tires!

This book invites you, parents, to discover what makes your child laugh, and to enjoy precious moments with him/her.


What can we do after reading this book?

Family Activities

  • We can continue the scenes of the book with our child: we laugh a lot when… we can act or imitate different actions that cause the child to laugh such as, tickling, or piggy back rides.
  • We can have a conversation about things that make our child laugh, at home, in the street and in class. We can encourage him to draw these things, and we write it down using his language.
  • What makes every family member laugh? We can encourage our child to conduct a “small research study” to see what family members find funny, and to imitate everyone’s laugh in the family.
  • We can search together the child’s library, and find books that make him laugh. Maybe read those books again together, or maybe watch a funny movie together
  • “Freezing” is a fun game. The participants wander around in the room as music plays, but when it stops every player freezes and a player, “the clown” should try to make everyone else laugh with facial expressions -- and without touching the “frozen” players.
  • Enjoy your reading and activities!

عزيزتي المربّية،


من منّا لا يحبّ الضحك؟ وفي عملنا اليوميّ بين الأطفال نعيش مواقف مختلفة تثير ابتسامات الأطفال وقهقهاتهم. لقد أثبتت الدراسات العديدة أن عمليّة التعلّم تصبح أكثر نجاعة إذا كان الطفل في مزاج مرتاحٍ ومسرور.


يقدّم لنا كتاب “كم أضحك!” مواقف اجتماعيّة أو شخصيّة تثير ضحك الأطفال عادّة، وتلفتنا إلى أهميّة الضّحك في تحسين صحّتنا النّفسيّة، وصحّة الأطفال الصغار خاصّة.


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