A bed-time story to say goodnight to all the baby animals as they snuggle up, close their eyes and peacefully drift off to sleep.
A bed-time story to say goodnight to all the baby animals as they snuggle up, close their eyes and peacefully drift off to sleep.
It is dark and the little rabbit felt sleepy so his mom accompanied him on an imaginary journey among the little animals that were getting ready to sleep, to say good night. This book is similar to a bedtime song that can help your child to relax and get ready to sleep, especially for those who ...
Read MoreIt is dark and the little rabbit felt sleepy so his mom accompanied him on an imaginary journey among the little animals that were getting ready to sleep, to say good night. This book is similar to a bedtime song that can help your child to relax and get ready to sleep, especially for those who find it difficult to leave their daily activity, their environment and family.
Children need – as do adults –a “ritual” that help them relax and gradually end their day. When they are about to fall asleep, they need to be assured and ask for physical closeness to us and for a nice and calm activity, such as reading this book together!
Dear Parents,
We share with you some thoughts for activities with your children regarding this book
المربّية العزيزة،
كثيرًا ما تظهر لدى أطفال الثّالثة والرّابعة صعوباتٍ في الخلود للنّوم. فالطّفل، في هذا العمر، مكتشفٌ وباحثٌ وفضوليّ إلى أبعد الحدود، فيزداد نشاطه خلال اليوم، ويتنوّع. لذا، قد يصعب على بعض الأطفال الانفصال عن يومهم، والانتقال من حالة النّشاط إلى حالة الاسترخاء والنّوم، ويحتاجون إلى طقوسٍ مسائيّة تساعدهم على الهدوء، مثل قراءة كتاب معهم في جوٍ هادئ ودافئ.
هذا الكتاب بمثابة "تهليلة" للنّوم، يأخذ الطّفل في جولة مع صغار الحيوانات التي تستعدّ هي أيضًا للنّوم برفقة والديها.
قراءة شيّقة ونشاطًا ممتعًا!