Kindergarten Books > Bear Feels Sick

Bear Feels Sick

By: Karma Wilson, Illustrations: Jane Chapman

When Bear gets sick, his animal friends take care of him. They cook soup, prepare tea and think of ways to cheer him up. A story about compassion and friendship.

Family Activities

The friends in our story like to have fun together in the forest. One day, they came to pick up Bear, but he couldn’t get up. Bear is sick! How do the animals take care of their friend? Can Bear take care of his friends when they are sick?


Dear Parents,

Illness is an integral part of our lives. When we get sick, we become less energetic and isolated from others, and we may feel depressed and lonely. Sometimes we need a hand that reaches out to help us even in simple everyday matters, and we would be happy to receive even a touch of tenderness from someone close to us.

Visiting the patient and taking care of them

In our Arab culture, visiting and caring for the patient is an important social and religious value. It is an expression of helping those in need, having sympathy and showing them kindness. Visiting the patient has a recognized etiquette aimed at comforting and amusing the patient; such as greeting them with prayers for their recovery, preparing food or drinks for them, which might ease the severity of the disease, offering help, and considering the comfort of the patient.

Family Activities

  • The symptoms of the disease gradually start to appear on Bear, as his nose is blocked and his throat hurts, then he becomes ill with a fever. We can talk with our child about how we feel physically and psychologically when we are sick.
  • Friends came to the aid of Bear, who is feeling sick. We can talk about what each one of them did. We can choose one of them and keep track of what they did.
  • We can remember a visit we went on together to see a patient. How did we ease their pain and entertain them? What can we do if a family member or friend in kindergarten gets sick?
  • “Feel better,” is what we usually say to the patient. What other nice phrases can we say to cheer them up?
  • Chamomile, sage and rosemary are some of the aromatic plants that we use to prepare hot drinks that relieve the severity of a disease. We can look for them together in our garden or in the wilderness, and make a delicious drink mixed with healing honey!
  • “Let’s pretend we are sick,” the children enjoy to play pretend, and they like to show how they take care of their parents. This is also an opportunity to reinforce their sense of capability to help others, even with small things.
  • Taking care of our health - “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” the popular proverb tells us. We can have a conversation with our child about ways to take care of our health: What should we eat? How do we maintain our personal hygiene? How do we strengthen our body and relax it so that it can regain its energy and liveliness?
  • Bear’s disease is contagious, and it affected his friends. We can talk with our child about ways to prevent diseases, such as washing hands regularly, and being absent from kindergarten while sick. What else can we do?
  • These suggestions were developed by a working group in the “Lantern Library” from the Ministry of Education, Early Childhood Development Center (Bidayat), and the Grinspoon Foundation.

المربّية العزيزة،

حلّ الشّتاء وأحضر معه أمطار البركة وموجات الزّكام! ولهذا اخترنا هذا الكتاب ليكون الثاني حتّى تخفّف قصّة الدّب عن الطفل المريض، وتشجّع الأطفال في روضتك على الالتفات إلى صحّتهم، والعناية بالمريض من أفراد العائلة أو الأصدقاء. إنّها قصّة جميلة تتناول موضع الرفق بمن نحبّ، ومساعدة الأصدقاء وقت الضّيق.

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