ספרים ופעילויות

I Forgot My Wings At Home

The little girl tries to fly, but discovers that she left her “wings” at home, so she goes out to look for new ones with the help of her father. A story that encourages children to look inside themselves to help them adjust in new settings.

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Mole and The Baby Bird

When Mole finds a baby bird injured and alone he takes it home to look after it very carefully. But soon Mole has a dilemma - is the baby bird going to be a pet or is it going to be free? Guided by observant parents and a thoughtful grandfather, he makes his final decision. A story about love, ...

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Where Do I Go When I’m Angry

What does a young jellyfish do when she becomes angry? And what do other members of her family do? A book that tells us it’s okay to be angry sometimes and to express anger and control it in different ways.

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Mummy and Me

Hum’s (Ambr’s in the Arabic version) mom is the center of his world and he loves doing so many different things with her. But one day she is busy and doesn't have time for him, so he decides he can be busy, too. A story that encourages creative shared play between children and parents.

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If I Were A Cloud

“If I were a cloud, I would change my appearance as I wish…” tells us the cloud/child and reveals to us her wishes, her likes and dislikes and what makes her happy and sad.

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Three Butterflies

Three butterflies get caught in a storm far from home. As they seek refuge from the rain they learn an important lesson in true friendship, unity and loyalty.

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Where Is My Shadow?

Why does my shadow always follow me? And why is it sometimes short and other times long? A journey that a little girl takes with her shadow that help children explore this natural phenomenon.

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Good Night Little Ones

A bed-time story to say goodnight to all the baby animals as they snuggle up, close their eyes and peacefully drift off to sleep.

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On The Tip of My Tongue

“I’m always there, decorating the wall/ but I can see you whenever you come to look at me/ who am I?” a collection of rhymed riddles that encourages children to think and to imagine.

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Little Gorilla

Everybody loved little Gorilla, even when he misbehaved. One day, something strange happened: little Gorilla started to grow…and grow! How would others treat him now? A story about unconditional love that children need.

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