Kindergarten Books > Winston was Worried

Winston was Worried

The dog gets a small wound and begins to complain that everything bad that is happening to him, and he does not see the horrors that other animals around him are going through! This playful book addresses the five-year-old child and invites them to come out of the bubble of self-centeredness to see others, through the clever relationship between the text which revolves on the complaining dog, and the drawings that invite the child to see what others are going through.

Family Activities

The book enables us to see our children, who often have a dark outlook on life and think that bad things only happen to them. They need a supportive adult who sympathizes with them on the one hand, and on the other hand, expands their view of things and shows them other aspects and other people who ...


Dear Parents,

This is a comical book, which rich in caricatures, in which we accompany Winston the dog who is self-centered. Winston feels that he is the most miserable and least fortunate of all creatures because of the thorn in his hand and does not pay attention to his friends who suffer from the most difficult dilemmas and hardships.

The book enables us to see our children, who often have a dark outlook on life and think that bad things only happen to them. They need a supportive adult who sympathizes with them on the one hand, and on the other hand, expands their view of things and shows them other aspects and other people who share the same difficulties.

They also need a supportive adult who gives them the tools to face difficulties and search for and highlight their hidden abilities, so that they can see themselves as capable and empowered.

Family Activities

  • Let’s have a conversation
  • The book’s drawings can speak: We can follow the drawings, and we can talk about the various disturbing events that happened with the dogs. We can ask our children to describe them, compare them to Winston’s thorn, which is stuck. We can ask them: What do they think of Winston's behavior? What is strange? What is funny?
  • About feelings in the aftermath of disturbing events: Winston felt that he was the least fortunate, the most miserable in the world, because a thorn was stuck in his foot. We can talk about upsetting events that happened to us: How did we feel? How do we overcome these bad feeling? What consoles us and guides us, and who helps us with that?
  • About the comical things: We can think the details of the drawings and talk about the funny things about them. We can share funny events that happened with us with others. What usually makes us laugh? And what makes us happy?
  • About feeling lucky: We can talk about the times that we felt lucky. Why did we feel that?
  • Let’s enrich our language
  • The story contains a rich vocabulary that we can search for in the text and in the signs in the drawings. We can read them to our children and explain them.
  • The drawings enrich our descriptive language. We can name the objects, and describe the animals’ actions, feelings, and thoughts. We can also ask: What is going on in the drawing? what happened? Why? how? There are many questions that motivate our child to express and enrich their language.
  • Let’s create
  • We can prepare a funny drawing using the collage technique by cutting out paper clips and pictures from different magazines and pasting them in a funny way.
  • We can write a comic book like this one. We can base the protagonist on one of the family members. We can recall a story-like event that happened with a family member.
  • Let’s communicate
  • During our family time, we can create a beautiful ritual, where each of us talks about a beautiful or funny event that happened to them during the day.
  • Enjoy your reading!

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