Why does my shadow always follow me? And why is it sometimes short and other times long? A journey that a little girl takes with her shadow that help children explore this natural phenomenon.
Why does my shadow always follow me? And why is it sometimes short and other times long? A journey that a little girl takes with her shadow that help children explore this natural phenomenon.
Children are instinctively curious to explore and understand the world around them, including nature’s phenomena. We can see them watching, thinking, and sometimes coming up with imaginary and creative answers to their questions regarding clouds, rain and snow.
Read MoreDear Parents,
Children are instinctively curious to explore and understand the world around them, including nature’s phenomena. We can see them watching, thinking, and sometimes coming up with imaginary and creative answers to their questions regarding clouds, rain and snow.
To turn their experience into a deeper learning one, we need to listen and provide them with the opportunity to watch the smallest details, which might seem to us obvious and unimportant. In addition, we can encourage them to ask questions and think of the answers.
Wondering, asking and exploring are the keys for learning.
We share with you some thoughts for activities with your children…
المربّية العزيزة،
ظاهرة الظّل ظاهرةٌ طبيعيّة تُشغل الأطفال الصّغار، وتُثير فضولهم. قد تُلاحظين أثناء لعبهم في السّاحة حماسَهم للّحاق بظلّهم، أو محاولة أن يدوسوا على ظلال رفاقهم. الطّفل محاطٌ بعالمٍ تملؤه الظّلال: ظلال البشر، والبنايات، والأغراض المختلفة التي تبدو كلّها على نحوٍ مختلف إذا أضاءتها الشّمس.
"أين ظلّي؟" كتاب يدعو الطّفل إلى مراقبة واستكشاف هذه الظّاهرة العلميّة المُدهشة. الجميل في الكتاب هو تصوير العلاقة المباشرة بين الطّفلة والعالم من حولها عن طريق الظّلال، بدءًا من ظلال جسمها وأجسام رفاقها في المدرسة، وانتقالاً إلى ظلال البنايات والأشياء المختلفة في بيئتها السّكنيّة