Kindergarten Books > Where Do I Go When I’m Angry

Where Do I Go When I’m Angry

Written by Malak Farouja Abu Rayya, illustrated by Charlotte Shama, Publisher: Israel Center for Libraries

What does a young jellyfish do when she becomes angry? And what do other members of her family do? A book that tells us it’s okay to be angry sometimes and to express anger and control it in different ways.

Family Activities

“In our house, everyone feels angry sometimes,” says the child in the book, and he invites us to look at a mirror as parents: What makes us angry? And what makes or children angry? How do we express our anger in front of our children? How do we deal with this feeling and help our child to deal ...


Dear Parents,

“In our house, everyone feels angry sometimes,” says the child in the book, and he invites us to look at a mirror as parents: What makes us angry? And what makes or children angry? How do we express our anger in front of our children? How do we deal with this feeling and help our child to deal with it in a positive and supportive way which will not hurt him or anyone else?



We share with you few suggestions to read this book with your children:

Family Activities

  • We can consider the angry expressions in the little octopus’s family and see if the expressions look similar to ones of our family member?
  • We can play with our child the game “angry bodies”, posing in front of the mirror with various expressions. What do we feel with our bodies?
  • The octopus’s family members are father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather and grandmother. We can think together, why are they angry? are there more members we can add to the family, and think of the reason for their anger? This is an opportunity to listen for the child and for the things that make him angry, and also an opportunity to express for him the things that make parents angry.
  • Each member of the family deals with his anger in different way, there are who shout, break, hit, isolate themselves or work out to release anger. We can have a conversation with our child about things that make him angry (such as, when his little brother or sister takes him toys). We act his angry reaction, and talk about it. Think of ways to control the anger (take a deep breath several times, count to 10, or go out to garden to jump and run).
  • Imagine things around us, or in nature, that look like us when we get angry (such as a volcano, or a kettle).
  • What do you think about making a photo album for the family, and call it “what do we do when we are angry in the family”? we can also share the child drawing the family members with angry expressions.
  • Happiness is the opposite of anger. What makes us happy? How does each one of the family members express his happiness?
  • In general, we express our anger with loud voice, but the illustrator chose to draw an angry family using a silent sea fish. Why? How does our child explain this.

المربّية العزيزة،


كتاب " ماذا أفعل حين أغضب" ليس كتابًا قصصيًّا بالمفهوم المألوف، إنّما هو كتابٌ وصفيّ يرسم صورة لأفراد عائلة في موقف شعوريّ واحد: الغضب. الغضب شعورٌ طبيعيّ يعيشه الكبار والصّغار، ولكلّ إنسان سلوكه الخاصّ في لحظات غضبه.

يهدف الكتاب إلى تأكيد شرعيّة الغضب كشعورٍ إنساني، من المهم أن يكون الطّفل واعيًا له، ولما يُحدثه في جسده من ظواهر فيزيولوجيّة (مثل زيادة ضربات القلب، احمرار الوجه، ضيق التّنفس) وما يرافقه من مشاعر الضّيق والإحباط، ومن ردود فعل سلوكيّة. ومن أجل أن يتعلّم الطّفل السّيطرة على غضبه، من المهمّ أن يكون واعيًا للأمور التي تثير غضبه، ويتأتّى ذلك حين نتيح له الحديث عنها، وندعمه في التّفكير بطرقٍ للتّعامل معها تخفّف من حدّة غضبه.

قراءة مشوّقة وعملاً ممتعًا!

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