1st & 2nd Grade Books > Tilda tries again

Tilda tries again

Text & Illustrations: Tom Percival /Translation: Jawdat Eid/ Publisher: Tchelet

Tilda’s world is just as she likes it . . . until one day, it turns completely UPSIDE DOWN. All of a sudden, everything is topsy-turvy, and nothing feels right. Things that were once easy now seem incredibly challenging.
Can Tilda discover a new way to approach her problems and believe in herself?

Bold, bright and empowering, this is an inspiring story about coping with difficult situations. It’s the ideal book for helping children to build resilience and embrace a ‘can do’ approach to life.

Tom Percival’s Big Bright Feelings series is the perfect springboard for conversations about mental and emotional health, positive self-image, building self-confidence and managing feelings. Every child’s bookshelf should contain his books.

Family Activities

This is a book that sheds light on the issue of emotional awareness among children, and allows them to talk about their feelings, especially feelings of anxiety and distress, and presents them as normal and daily feelings in our lives. The book directs us to share our anxiety with others in order ...


Dear Parents,

Has your life been turned upside down and distorted? How did you deal with this change? This is what happened to Tilda, who suddenly feels that her life is turning upside down, and that things that previously seemed smooth, fun and easy now seem difficult and challenging. Can Tilda move forward and overcome these challenges?

This is a book that sheds light on the issue of emotional awareness among children, and allows them to talk about their feelings, especially feelings of anxiety and distress, and presents them as normal and daily feelings in our lives. The book directs us to share our anxiety with others in order to reduce its intensity, and to rely on our resources of strength in times of difficulties to overcome them.

There is great harmony between the written text and the drawings; There are different colours and transitions to grey, white and black, which were used to express and embody Tilda’s deep thoughts and feelings, in addition to her world that appears upside down in the drawings as well.

The dialogue about the feelings, desires, and thoughts of the characters enhances the child's socio-emotional abilities and allows them a deep understanding of the text.


Family Activities

  • Let’s talk
  • • About feelings: Tilda was happy at the beginning of the story, and suddenly she felt upset and anxious, and her feelings were reflected in the drawings. We can follow the drawings and ask our child: How does Tilda feel? Why did her feelings change? How were her feelings reflected in the drawings? Did you ever feel down? how did you feel? Who supported you?
  • • About sources of strengths: Tilda felt happy at the beginning of the story. We can ask our child: What are the things that make Tilda happy? What are the things that make you happy? We can share life experiences in which we felt failure and despair with our child. We can talk about the things that helped us overcome them, such as talking to people who are important to us and relying on memories of interesting experiences in our lives.
  • • About dealing with challenges: We can talk to our child about a situation when they used the method of repeating their attempts. Did they succeed in achieving the desired result? What were they feeling at the time? How did they succeed in overcoming these challenges and overcoming the difficulties? Who helped them?
  • Let’s try and achieve
  • • We try so we can achieve more: With our child, we can identify a number of goals or challenges that they want to achieve, with a set time period. For example, having goals for household chores, such as: making the bed or organizing the closet at a record speed; commitment to throwing out the garbage; Cleaning the table - and other goals they may want.
  • Let’s enrich our language
  • • We can enrich our children's emotional dictionary with motivating words that we adopt in our dialogues with them, such as: be strong; continue in this way; you did well; amazing; Blessed are your efforts; Be what you want to be; be as you will; you are brave; you're great.
  • Let’s explore
  • • Tilda learned a lesson from the little ladybug. We can look at one of the living creatures around us with our child. Which ones can we learn specific skills or qualities from, that may motivate us to keep trying?
  • Let’s create
  • ● With our children, we can bring cards on which we write words of encouragement, or we record the things that our children can do and make them feel empowered and happy, and put them in a jar. Children then can read a card every day, to instill in them a sense of ability and strengthen their emotional immunity.
  • Enjoy your reading!

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