Everyone has something to say, whether by using words or actions. The book invites children to say what they want in their own ways in order to make their world better for themselves and for others.
Everyone has something to say, whether by using words or actions. The book invites children to say what they want in their own ways in order to make their world better for themselves and for others.
The book highlights the power of our voices and our ability to make change, and the different ways we tell the world who we are, how we think, how we feel, and what we believe.
Read MoreIt’s time to say something. Find your voice and your way to make the world a better place.
The book highlights the power of our voices and our ability to make change, and the different ways we tell the world who we are, how we think, how we feel, and what we believe.
The book encourages children to believe in their ability to make a change and invites them to find their own way to do so. The book also invites our children to find their own voice and way of expression, through dialogue about their role in influencing their surroundings, and their ability as children to make a difference in the world, starting with themselves, their social relationships, and their immediate surroundings. Through the various models and methods it presents, the book gives children and parents practical ideas to influence and inspire.