Kindergarten Books > Sama the Chivalrous Knight

Sama the Chivalrous Knight

Author: Rana Iqbariyya Mahamid //Illustrations: Darina Jabar //Publisher: Dar Al-Huda Kareem

In an imaginative game, Sama leaves her living room to go on an adventure to find the lost prince: her little brother sleeping in his room. The book is the result of workshops with writers and illustrators at Al-Fanoos Library.

Family Activities

Dear Parents,   Do you feel responsible for your children's feelings of boredom and strive hard to relieve it? Boredom is one of the strongest motivations for creativity and innovation. It is essential for children to experience boredom so that they actively seek ways to deal with it. ...


Dear Parents,


Do you feel responsible for your children's feelings of boredom and strive hard to relieve it? Boredom is one of the strongest motivations for creativity and innovation. It is essential for children to experience boredom so that they actively seek ways to deal with it. Boredom pushes children to think, use their imagination, and search for activities that entertain them and develop their various skills.


The book discusses the importance of free play, especially imaginative play. This type of play has a crucial role in fostering creativity in children and serves as a means to deal with the feeling of boredom. Additionally, it provides an outlet and a safe space for children to engage with various experiences and diverse emotions that may have been revealed to them before.


Let’s Talk

  • About the feeling of boredom: We can ask our children when they feel bored and how. We can talk together about ways they can occupy their time.
  • About Family relationships: The child helped their sibling after waking up from a nap. We can talk to our child and ask if they have ever helped their brother/sister and when and how it happened. How do they spend time together?
  • About Preferred games: The knight, Sama, preferred a fantasy game. We can ask our child about their favorite games.


Let’s Create

  • "Entertaining Ideas Box:" We can write suggestions for activities to do at home and in the garden on cards, collect them in a box, and when we feel bored, we can draw a card and engage in the activity.


Let’s Enrich our Language

  • We can explain new vocabulary to our children, such as knight, hole, and similes like "as fast as the wind." We can add other words from the story to our child's linguistic dictionary.


Let’s Learn and Play

  • We can recall childhood games with our children, building houses from pillows and blankets. We can role-play and exchange roles.


Let’s Communicate and Create

  • We can go out with our children to explore our neighborhood, drawing a map inspired by the map in the book.


Enjoy your reading!

Family Activities

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