A collection of poems in classical Arabic that expresses the inner world of the child: views, dreams, interests and feelings.
A collection of poems in classical Arabic that expresses the inner world of the child: views, dreams, interests and feelings.
Dear parents, A baby is exposed to poems from his/her first months. He listens to lullabies and to their musical rhythms. The baby stores these rhythms in his memory, and start using them at a later stage by saying words with the same rhythm, and still later becomes in poetry written in the ...
Read MoreDear parents,
A baby is exposed to poems from his/her first months. He listens to lullabies and to their musical rhythms. The baby stores these rhythms in his memory, and start using them at a later stage by saying words with the same rhythm, and still later becomes in poetry written in the formal language. The main element for sparking a child’s interest in poetry is the words’ musical rhythm, and then understanding the difficult words with adult help.
"My Cheek is Like a Rose" is a poetry collection written for children in their language. The text gradually exposes us to the internal child's world: what he loves, what he hates, his fears and happiness, his worries and his dreams. Through this book, the child tries to help us to see things from the child's perspective, and not only from ours (the adults).
We share with you few thoughts on ways to enhance the reading of this book:
المربّية العزيزة،
امتدادًا لكتاب "أنشودة الصّباح" وتذوّق طفل الرّوضة الأوّل للشّعر، رأينا من المناسب أن نقدّم كتاب "خدّي كالورد". الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة من اللوحات الشّعريّة التي تصف عالم الطّفل الدّاخلي- الشّعوري- من أحلام وأمنيات ومخاوف ومسرّات.
نقترح عليك ألاّ تقرئي الكتاب للأطفال مرّة واحدة، وإنمّا قراءته على مراحل، ليتسنّى للأطفال فيهم النّص، وليتسنّى لك إعداد أنشطة مختلفة حوله.