1st & 2nd Grade Books > Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School

Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School

The shy mouse finds it difficult to meet her classmates on the first day of school, but the teacher suggests playing hide-and-seek, which makes it easier for her. This is a book about children’s fears at the beginning of the year, and about the delightful educational mediation that supports them.

Family Activities

The book deals with the difficulty of adapting, and the feelings of excitement, fear and dread experienced by the child in new beginnings, especially at the beginning of a school year.


Dear Parents,

On the first night of Moonlight School, where nocturnal creatures learn the basics of magic, a mouse hides because she is very shy, so Miss Moon uses toys to help her overcome her shyness.

The book deals with the difficulty of adapting, and the feelings of excitement, fear and dread experienced by the child in new beginnings, especially at the beginning of a school year. The book gives us a clever model of Miss Moon’s ability to manage the little mouse’s feelings of shyness through playing, utilizing her special ability to hide, communicating with her to use her strengths and highlighting them, which allow the mouse a sense of ability and hides her feelings of shyness.

Family Activities

  • Let’s talk
  • About the mouse’s feelings: We can read the story with our children a few times. We can talk about the mouse’s feelings from the beginning to the end of the story. We can also ask our children how the mouse feels and why she feels that way in each event of the story.
  • About feelings of shyness, fear and nervousness: We can ask our children if they have ever felt the feelings the mouse had. When did they feel like that? Who helped them deal with these feelings? and how?
  • About disappearing and hiding: We can ask our children if they ever felt the need to hide or disappear like the mouse did. When did that happen? And why?
  • About our safe place: The mouse hid behind the curtain, and there, she felt safe. We can ask our children: What places make them feel safe and comfortable at home? And why?
  • About skill: The little mouse was skilled at hiding. We can ask our children about the things they are good at, and we can talk to them about them.
  • About adaptation in the beginnings: We can talk with our children about the feelings they had at the beginning of different stages or experiences they went through for the first time, such as talking about their first day at school, a new course, or the birthday of a new friend. Together, we can look for ways to help them cope.
  • Let’s explore
  • Magical Hand: Moonlight School is a night school for teaching magic. We can search online with our children for videos of fun sleight of hand magic tricks that can be used with children.
  • Hide-and-seek: Miss Moon played a game of hide-and-seek with the animals. Hide and seek is a fun game that requires mental and social intelligence, and we, the parents, played it during our childhood. We can play hide and seek and have fun with our children.
  • Enjoy your reading!

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