“If I were a cloud, I would change my appearance as I wish…” tells us the cloud/child and reveals to us her wishes, her likes and dislikes and what makes her happy and sad.
“If I were a cloud, I would change my appearance as I wish…” tells us the cloud/child and reveals to us her wishes, her likes and dislikes and what makes her happy and sad.
“if I were a cloud”, the child imagines and shares how she lives, and what she wants and needs in her tiny childish world: the warm secure feeling with adults, playing and sharing secrets with her friends, exploring the world around her. And the child – the cloud tells us about the child’s ...
Read Moreif I were a cloud”, the child imagines and shares how she lives, and what she wants and needs in her tiny childish world: the warm secure feeling with adults, playing and sharing secrets with her friends, exploring the world around her. And the child – the cloud tells us about the child’s fear when her parents are not around – as a child told in a different book at Al-Fanoos library “my cheeks like roses, cannot stand that much of joking”.
Dear parents,
We share with you few ideas for enjoyable reading with your child.
المربّية العزيزة،
عادةً ما يتماثل الأطفال الصّغار مع شخصياتٍ خياليّة، قد تكون من الأفلام أو من أدب الأطفال، ويتقمّصون صفاتها، خاصّة صفة القوّة، والشّجاعة، والقدرة على القيام بأعمالٍ خارقة. هذه مرحلة طبيعيّة في مسار نموّهم تجيب على حاجاتٍ عاطفيّة واجتماعيّة مختلفة لديهم.
الغيمة- الطّفلة في كتاب "لو كنت غيمة" لا تقوم بأعمالٍ خارقة، وإنّما تعبّر عن عالم الطّفلة الدّاخلي: ما يفرحها، وما يحزنها، ما يخيفها وما يُثير اهتمامها. يمكّن قناع الغيمة العديد من الأطفال التّعبير عن مشاعر يصعب عليهم الحديث عنها بلسانهم.