Kindergarten Books > I Forgot My Wings At Home

I Forgot My Wings At Home

Written by Rania Daher, illustrated by Sasha Haddad, Publisher: Qadita Books

The little girl tries to fly, but discovers that she left her “wings” at home, so she goes out to look for new ones with the help of her father. A story that encourages children to look inside themselves to help them adjust in new settings.

Family Activities

The child is trying to fly in the garden. But, how can she fly, if she forgot her wings at home? While she was trying to fly, the child jumped, ran, went in circles and slipped, she learned about new physical abilities. She communicates with the butterfly, with nature, and feels very happy. But ...


Dear parents,

The child is trying to fly in the garden. But, how can she fly, if she forgot her wings at home?
While she was trying to fly, the child jumped, ran, went in circles and slipped, she learned about new physical abilities. She communicates with the butterfly, with nature, and feels very happy. But the sense of physical skills and happiness are not complete without support of her father who carries her on his shoulders so she can fly high.

With the beginning of the year, your child goes to the kindergarten, but they left their wings at home. They left what gives them secure feelings in general: being with the family, their home, their things, their daily life routine. They come into a new world where they need to adjust with new people, new experiences, and new environment. They do not go there without anything: they are curious, have skills and abilities that help them to grow, to learn and to adjust.

All that they need is space so they can experience and learn. We as parents should always be available to support and encourage them when they need us.

We share with you a few suggestions for enjoyable reading with your child:

Family Activities

  • Have a conversation with your child about their new experiences at the kindergarten: For example, you can ask: Did you learn anything new? What makes you happy to go every morning to kindergarten? Does anything confuse you or upset you?
  • We can have a conversation with a child about the things they would like to take from home to the new kindergarten, such as a toy, or people to come along. Is it possible, and what are the alternative solutions in case it is not?
  • Remember things we love to do together: such as the whole family going to a picnic, reading a book, or making a favorite cake together.
  • People express their happiness in different ways: some sing, some dance, and some give a hug to people they love. We can have a conversation about the ways we express our happiness, and think of other family members or friends, and enjoy imitating their ways to express happiness.
  • Happiness wings workshop! We have a conversation about things that make us happy, so we feel we are flying like the child in the story. We might want to support our child to draw what makes him happy, or by using play dough. We design together wings and stick on it what makes us happy and fly.
  • When the child sat on her fathers’ shoulders, she saw the world differently from above. What does the child see if they sit on our shoulders? How does their neighborhood look if we look together from the house roof top?

المربّية العزيزة،

يأتي الطّفل إلى البستان في أوّل السّنة، وقد ترك "جناحيه" في البيت. ترك أفراد عائلته، وأغراضه وألعابه، وروتينه اليوميّ المألوف، وعليه أن يعتاد بيئة جديدة، خاصّة إذا كان الانتقال من الرّوضة إلى البستان مختلفًا تمامًا.

ولكنّه طفلٌ ينمو ويتعلّم باستمرارٍ إذا أتحنا له أن يجرّب، وساندناه في مسار بناء "أجنحة "- أي قدرات ومهارات جديدة- تساعده في التّحليق والاكتشاف. هكذا فعلت الطّفلة في كتاب "نسيت أجنحتي في البيت" حين اندفعت- بفطرتها المحبّة للّعب والفرح وبمساعدة جناحَيْ الفراشة- إلى القفز، والّدوران، والرّكض في الطّبيعة، حتّى شعرت أنّها "تكاد تطير".

وماذا فعل والدها حتّى يعمّق خبرتها السّابقة؟ حملها على كتفيه، ودار وقفز وركض، وأتاح لها أن ترى العالم هذه المرّة من زاوية أخرى: من فوق كتفيه.


نشاطًا ممتعًا!

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