Alfie (“Burhan” in the Arabic version) is acting strange; he is quiet and dutiful, which worries his father. Could it be because he is starting school soon? A story that supports the child in his new journey to school.
Alfie (“Burhan” in the Arabic version) is acting strange; he is quiet and dutiful, which worries his father. Could it be because he is starting school soon? A story that supports the child in his new journey to school.
Alfie (“Burhan” in the Arabic version) could not sleep! He deceives his father and exhausts him with his requests until his father gets tired and sleeps on the living room floor, so Alfie covers him and wishes him a good night, and goes to bed!
Read MoreDear Parents,
Does this situation sound familiar?
Many children in this age group find it difficult to sleep on their own, perhaps because of fears that concern them, or because of the difficulty in separating from their parents, or retreat from their fully active day; In order to do so, they need a “transitional ritual” from their waking state to their sleeping state. The ritual may be a story that the child reads with their parents, or a simple game in a calm atmosphere. Children in this age group are also busy testing the limits of what’s permitted and what’s forbidden, and they experiment with the parents’ ability to endure. This is their way of arranging their inner world in a clear and consistent manner, and in gaining a sense of security in the presence of people who understand and fulfill their needs, while at the same time setting certain limits.
المربّية العزيزة،
يعرض كتاب " تصبح على خير يا برهان" موقفًا شائعًا في حياة العائلات. فالعديد من أطفال هذا العمر يستصعبون أو "يقاومون" النّوم، وقد يرتبط ذلك بصعوبة الانفصال عن أحداث النّهار، والانتقال من حالة اليقظة والنّشاط إلى حالة الرّاحة والنّوم. يحتاج الأطفال، في كثير من الأحيان، إلى طقوسٍ تهيّئهم للنّوم كلّ مساء؛ مثل الاستحمام، وقراءة قصّة، أو اللّعب بلعبةٍ مع أحد الوالدين. صديقنا "برهان" هو أحد هؤلاء الأطفال الّذين يبتكرون الحجّة تلو الأخرى ليأخّروا موعد نومهم، إلى أن ينهك الأهل ويغفوا!